Treatments and Pricing
I work with a wide range of people, from professional athletes to everyday enthusiasts, and tailor my treatment plans to suit the individual.
In addition to the Services below, I also offer small group mobility classes and online rehabilitation sessions (from £30 / session).
Treatment Options
Sports Therapy
Sports Therapy involves a full assessment, specific treatment, and rehabilitation plan. Sports Therapy programmes involve a combination of dry needling, cupping, and tissue work.
Sports Therapy is especially beneficial for those with injuries, joint, ligament or scar tissue pain.
Treatment is designed to get you back to doing what you love.
Sports Therapy Consultation (75mins) - £95
Sports Therapy follow up (55 mins) - £80
Sports Massage
Not just for sports people, Sports Massage uses a combination of techniques such as deep tissue massage, myofascial release and trigger point therapy.
Regular sports massage helps reduce tension, muscle tightness and reduce the risk of injury. You will feel awesome after!
Sports Massage (55mins) - £75
Dry Needling
Dry needling effectively treats musculoskeletal pain & dysfunction in the deepest tissue. After the muscle twitch reduces, the pain decreases (Local Twitch Response) .
The LTR is an alteration to the muscle fibre length as well as having an inhibitory effect on antagonist muscles. Dry needling can help with neck and back pain, shoulder pain, hip and gluteal pain, knee pain and chronic pain.
Dry Needling is used as part of a wider Sports Therapy plan
Dry Cupping
Myofascial Cupping is a technique which is best combined with massage therapy. The cupping is non-invasive and very effective for increasing range of motion in any given area and relieving tight fascia.
The cup pulls new blood flow into the area to stimulate healing, and is fantastic for tight aching muscle pain.
Dry Needling is used as part of a wider Sports Therapy plan
Interested in a Treatment Plan?
Drop me a line briefly describing your aches and pains, and we can talk about what could best suit you.
We love referrals!